Well, it feels like forever that anything has gone up on the website and we have been pretty dead silent over our social media as well. Trust me, we didn’t expect such a preposterous procrastination from ourselves either but when long holidays are declared in the country, we can’t help but chuck everything. First of all, wishing you all a very Happy and Delightful Diwali and New Year. In Gujarat, everything and even the holidays are larger than life. While the country celebrates a few days, we have 10 days of grand vacation period where every shop, business, businessman, schools and even beggars, all go on a long snooze period. It is a snooze period because you need to intermittently wake up, eat, meet people and snooze again. We did something more differently.

One of us was on a leisure trip which only meant exploring and living amidst nature.

Diwali Holidays Nature

While the other spent happy time reading and celebrating the festival of lights with family and friends. I am sure a few days in a year does not bite much wink.

Holidays lead to preposterous procrastination but we are Back! 1
Copyrights @ Film-O-Verse

Can you guess who was doing what during the holidays?

The snapshots tell you the story of how our Diwali holidays really looked like this year!

Phew! Now that it is over and we are back all sorted and refreshed, we would love to announce that Film-O-Verse taking one step ahead. And oh what a day to start with! Can you guess what we did on our first day back? We grabbed a popcorn tub and plopped ourselves in front of the big screen for the First show of the new James Bond movie, Spectre! Well technically it was Chirag who grabbed the popcorn tub. Even on the first show of the day at 8 am, he needs his cheese laden popcorn. The problem is not that, the problem is how possessive he about that tub of popcorn that he holds it close to him like a mother holds her child.

We are coming with a lot more for you to explore and know all about films. Writing about films is time consuming when we are busy watching so many films all the time besides that crazy thing we all have in our life “Jobs”, but we will find time for you guys!